Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Taking Time to Pray

Brian makes his video blog debut today with some great thoughts about taking time out to get to know God better through prayer.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done debut Brian.

Our Folks taught us to pray before bedtime. Many do this as a rote act. But it is the best way I know to relax away the days' hardships and take stock in those moments that shone.

Think about the words of the Lords Prayer as you speak them. Rejoice in "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven". Reflect on your "trespasses" and the manner you received trespasses against you. Ponder the "Golden Rule" and ask Gods' guidance. The calm that rises in my mind through these actions helps me to sleep.

Sometimes I apply these principals during my day, as it will often improve my ability to cope. I am a work in progress.

Dave said...

Well said, Sue.